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Special Educational Needs School, UK

We have recently built two inclusive play areas for Kingsland Special Educational Needs school in Yorkshire, UK. Kingsland’s objective was to create vibrant, sociable spaces where children can enjoy the different play elements in a nurturing environment. Both areas had to be accessible and inclusive for a range of disabilities, while also providing an atmosphere where children feel safe and comfortable playing in.

The first area is the larger school playground for the 7 to 11 year olds, containing the Spinmee inclusive roundabout, the Olympic double swing frame, a Trampoline and a bespoke UniPlay structure. The main play area is used by the older classes and offers various physical activities and social interaction opportunities. The second, Sensory Integration Area, is a smaller, quieter place for pupils who find it harder to cope with large crowds. This area is an open plan space containing the Mirage Revolution Roundabout, the Hover Seesaw and a Bronco spinner, finished off with artificial turf. By having these two separate areas it gives pupils more choice and allows the school to tie in outdoor activity with curriculum project-based learning, such as social communication or sensory development programmes.

The layout created by HAGS Play specialist provides easy access for all children within the school and has provided a huge upgrade on previous facilities. Kirsty Rowlands, Assistant Headteacher, says “Before we had all this new equipment there was nowhere for the children to engage in outside, which can lead to a lot of waiting and boredom. Our children get very anxious about social interactions a lot of the time, and if there’s nothing to engage them then it can be quite anxiety inducing for them. Having these new areas not only encourages positive social skills but it also meets their sensory needs”.

Know more about Kingsland school inclusive playgrounds

Castleford, United Kingdom
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Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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