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Play for all at El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona

This inclusive play area has been designed for children up to 12 years old. It has wide enough paths to allow parents with buggies or people using mobility aids to move around with ease.

As part of the project brief, it was essential that the play area encouraged social interaction amongst children of all abilities and to provide various play zones that cater for different age groups as well as a main section where children of all ages can play together.

HAGS has chosen a selection of inclusive and accessible playground equipment that will cater for a large number of users and for children with different abilities, in accordance with the fundamental principles of designing inclusive play spaces and according to the EN1176 and EN1177 standards.

Multi-sensory games

  • Talk Tubes – great for developing the auditory system and to encourage communication
  • Educational play panels – various play panels were included which provide a tactile experience as well as being educational and fun
  • UniMini Jorros – a small modular system for younger children with various activities to encourage exploration and imagination while developing key skills
  • Bespoke braille and sign language panels – children can learn and communicate with each other in a fun way

Stimulate the vestibular system

It’s important to develop the vestibular system from a young age as this is what regulates movement and balance. To stimulate this sensory element, we have included the Spinmee roundabout, the Anky springer, the Dragonfly seesaw and two swings with a variety of swing seats to cater for all ages and abilities.

The coolest thing in the play space

The focal point of the play area is the inclusive multi-play unit Eptix from our UniPlay range. The unit features a ramp with wide routes and transfer steps, making it easily accessible to all. Packed with different play values, from sliding, jumping, role playing to resting, it’s sure to capture the attention of all children.

Finally, the surfacing is full of colour which helps divide the zones and guides children throughout the play area.

Barcelona, Spain
Anno di realizzaizone

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Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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