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Play and sports park with a railway theme, France

The site provides physical activity opportunities for residents of all ages and abilities, with a play area for both younger and older children, an outdoor fitness area featuring our multi-purpose fitness frame, and a multisport court.

Accessible to visitors of all levels of ability owing to large pathways, the activity zones are separated by turf areas that soften the aesthetic of the space, provide optimal visibility and create a free flow layout. 

The park boasts a colourful railway theme which pays tribute to the history of the neighbourhood which is home to many railways employees. 

Olivier Gacquerre, Mayor of Béthune, was very pleased with the results and said that “The new multisport area looks very modern and has helped foster social interaction within the neighbourhood”. Staff from the Parks and Recreation department have also noticed improved behaviour, with local users respecting the equipment (no litter and vandalism) and showing a sense of ownership towards the new site.

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Béthune, France
Anno di realizzaizone
Valore progetto


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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