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Net play in Vejle, Denmark

Many improvements are being made in the western part of Denmark and one of the areas carrying out such improvements is the big town of Vejle.

Finlandsparken, a housing association located in this town, approached us to undertake this exciting project. They wanted to give local children a fun space to play together and interact with each other, so they asked us to create a playground in a large empty area which was not really used, but the challenge here was that most of this empty space was on a slope.

In close collaboration with the housing association, contractors and architects, we created a unique play area where the slope became the main attraction.

The slope area features a net play pyramid with a tube slide as well as other rope play equipment from our partner GSWeb, in the other areas we installed a multi-play structure from our UniPlay range, a hexagon swing unit and springers.

Watch the amazing video of the net play area in Vejle

Vejle, Denmark
Anno di realizzaizone
Valore progetto
DKK 575,000


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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