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Nature Inspired Inclusive Playground, Australia

The new nature-based playground at the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens in Australia has won the State Award for Best Playspace (under $500,000) in the Park and Leisure Australia Awards of Excellence program. This now progresses through the national award finals to be decided in October 2019. 

Our Australian distributor, Austek Play, successfully tendered and built the playground meeting the requirements of the local council to create an inclusive, nature-based play area where everyone can play together.

The playground includes four individual play zones and 17 free-standing equipment items which, combined, offer a total of 89 individual play activities, including a wide variety of tactile and sensory items. The layout has been thoughtfully designed to incorporate inclusivity and accessibility. This is not solely limited to how children will use the equipment to play, but also extends to how parents and carers engage with the space as supervisors and spectators.

The spokesperson for the park, Cr Wayne Honor, is extremely satisfied with the results and has said that the community have been enjoying the play area for longer since it opened. Cr Honor also highlighted that “The design also allows for seamless integration of mainstream and all-abilities play, ensuring accessibility throughout the playground and to surrounding amenities”.

The playground also creatively incorporates different levels of risk and challenge into the design to test and develop children’s abilities which builds on essential life skills in a safe and fun environment.

Bundaberg North, Australia
Anno di realizzaizone

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Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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