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Largest Playground in Czech Republic

The new playground in Ostrava, the third largest city in the Czech Republic, was built in two stages and completed last year. Our distributor, HAGS Praha, was inspired by their trip to Kolmarden Zoo in Sweden when they created their proposal.

For the first stage of the project we worked on the play area for smaller children. We installed a special UniMini structure which became the largest unit for younger kids installed in Czech Republic. This multi-play unit offers plenty of play values at different levels of challenge, including climbing walls, climbing nets, slides at various heights, crawling tunnels, talking tubes, plus many more.

The second stage of the project was to work on the play area for older children, as well as installing five outdoor fitness stations for adults. For the older kids, we installed a UniPlay unit, which is now also the largest multi-play structure in the country, making this playground the biggest one in Czech Republic to date!

The playground, located in a central park surrounded by tall trees, offers children of all ages and abilities plenty of activities to keep them entertained. We have provided the community of Ostrava a fantastic play and fitness area for everyone to enjoy.

Ostrava, Czech Republic
Anno di realizzaizone
Valore progetto
1,000,000 SEK


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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