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Enchanting Playground in Moss Beach, CA, USA

This enchanting playground near the ocean in Moss Beach, California, features a custom UniPlay structure that was chosen for its rustic wood charm resembling a whimsical castle.

The previous playground had been enjoyed and loved by over 15 years, but it was time for a replacement. The local community wanted to maintain the charm of the former castle and shipwreck themed playground while improving play value, safety and accessibility.

Our multi-play structure perfectly met their requirements and helped bring the playground together. It’s full of play activities, from the ground level through to the highest point, for all children to enjoy.

View the full case study and the rest of the playground on our distributor’s website: Miracle Playsystems

California, USA
Anno di realizzaizone


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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