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Bespoke castle-themed playground structure, Velten

In this case, the children were the decision makers! A competition was held by the council, where children described and drew their ideal playgrounds. They were able to choose what kind of play functions they would like and what they wanted to playground to look like.

Then came the competition of the playground designers, where the large HAGS UniPlay Castle design with a tube slide made it to the finals and ended up winning the deciding vote.

The final design was created by the German CAD Team together with Sales Team member Mrs Jacqueline Thisson. Once again, the flexibility of the HAGS UniPlay Modular system was demonstrated, fulfilling all the individual customer needs.

Velten, Germany
Anno di realizzaizone
Valore progetto


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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