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Aviation Themed Play Area, Worcester, UK

The new play area is part of an ambitious development scheme including a brand new leisure centre adjacent to the playground. Worcester Council’s objective was to create a vibrant, sociable space celebrating the history of the site.

The spitfire-themed bespoke structure, undeniably the central element of the space, immediately attracts the attention of the visitors owing to a clever trick from our design team: in order to boost the visibility of the plane and create the illusion that it is taking off from the runway, they reused soil from the excavations to create a purpose-built mound. The added benefit was that it minimised the cost of the groundworks, whilst providing more play value.

The layout created by HAGS Play Specialists provides easy access for wheelchair users and less able people owing to ramped access and adds a sense of adventure as all the units are linked though a common theme.

The playground was extremely well received by the residents, and flocks of children could be seen playing and enjoying themselves during the open day. Local man Bob Chambers, who also volunteers for the Protect Perdiswell Park organisation, praised HAGS for the “superb workmanship” and saw the site as a heart-warming testimonial to the RAF fighters who were trained in the area during WW2.

Contracts & Performance Manager Alan New was delighted to see that the design “has created tangible local interest in the history of the site”.

Worcester, United Kingdom
Anno di realizzaizone


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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